
Ladies what do you expect a man to do… You’re out at the mall or at a lounge and a billigerent guy grabs your ass or calls you out of your name Is the guy supposed to “fight for your honor”? What if you’re a slunt? LOL Is the guy to say “hey dont be…” WHOP! upside the head or get banged out? What is the proper protocol? It was your idea to go out to dinner and the check comes, what do you expect the guy to do? Is he to pick up the check anyway? If he doesnt … Continue reading wat2dew?!

The BoDerek

Okay…you know how people rank people on a scale 1-10? It’s never anything concrete…like a good way to do it… Since I have nothing better to do (and a twisted head) I’m coming up with a way to figure it out…this is still in construction So far I’ve come up with…. Women: ADD Your Bra Cup Size (A=1, B=3, C=4, D=2, Over D=.5) +3 For a 6 or 4 pack stomach +2 For Toned shape (legs, waist, and arms) +2 For Graduate Degree +2 For initiating the first move or hanging out +2 If you like/Follow Football +2 Just because … Continue reading The BoDerek

Steve ‘e’ Wonders

So I was having a convo about religion…see since I’m a heathen and stuff I have to ask you more Godly people Okay…The Devil First I asked what was the Devil’s name when he was an Angel…figured it wasn’t “Devil, Beelzebub, or the Prince of Darkness” (Later confirmed it was Lucifer…I forgot that one) But for the sake of the conversation I chose to call him “Steve” lol So…Steve was an Angel that “fell from grace” right? Right. MY question was…WHAT could he POSSIBLY have done to get kicked out of Heaven? The short answer was “went against God’s wishes” … Continue reading Steve ‘e’ Wonders

I think I think: Dog Paddle

Awww man, to all those that JUST found my blog, sorries that I’m leaving…BUT as suggested by a few people I will leave the actual page up a little longer so you can read archives and comment (I’ll still read ALL comments) ..Hell I’ll respond to a few, but after Friday…no more new blogs on the site I’ll be on eclectik-discussion.com every day though So this being the last week…what else should I blog about? Damn…yall didn’t go see The soloist? You went to see Obsessed instead? For shame I didn’t see either 😦 How much does e love him … Continue reading I think I think: Dog Paddle

The Healer

Hip Hop Gotta love Hip Hop Week on eclectik-relaxation It can be sad though…see? After listening and Woppin and runnin my man to all the songs on the rotation It’s more and more obvious to why ‘rap’ music sucks armadillo ass these days Seriously…listen to the songs They are all light hearted, fun…and ALL DIFFERENT! You got a song about a party, then a song about men trying to get with women…then a song about picking your nose! And even then the songs about men trying to get with women…not lewd, objectifying, or vulgur Just a cool ass song The … Continue reading The Healer


I LOVE HIP HOP WEEK! This my life…that’s is my upbringing…This is what I grew up on…the memories in pictures…peep the Visuals! The Ruler! Mannnn The Great Adventures…great CD This guy is a part of 3 of the greatest Hip Hop Songs of all time (La Di Da Di, The Show, A children’s story) How can you deny that guy…the Jewels…come on! Big Daddy Kane! The Smooth Operator! All the women were on him…made darkskin “in style” the illest of deliveries Knowledge Reigns Supreme Over Nearly Everyone MY personal favorite Emcee of all time…should be everyone’s #1 or #2 he … Continue reading enfocus

Sick Leave

Any suggesstions? Any Questions? The DRAFT is coming! FINALLY! damnit…NFL Offseason is THE Worst! Watch the Itzsoweezee video Im cookin something today Thinkin about coppin the Ferragamos…thoughts? No wii this week…yet That Blackberry Storm is THE Horrible…if you have it; 1 yourself. Ima watch Harlem Heights in a bit…I’ll type about it on eclectik-discussion.com if anyone wanna get down If I could sing…Id be too afraid to do it in public…or private Okay TWO things about Yonce: 1. The trailer for Obsessed, I can tell: a. The whole plot of the movie and b. Yonce has the acting talent of … Continue reading Sick Leave

I think I think: 2 Weeks Notice

To whom is may concern…consider this my two week’s notice I’m done blogging May 1 2009 Shutting the blog down…getting rid of the domain (I guess my myspace stalker can have it) I may or may not keep the email address and IMs (not sure yet) Myspace is going…I dont have facebook but if I did that would be going lol The Remix…shutting down The only thing ‘eclectik’ will be the eclectik-discussion.com If I ever get the blogging “itch” I have a blog there and I’ll do it there. K, that’s that…now on to the randomness This weekend? Boring I … Continue reading I think I think: 2 Weeks Notice

No. 1 Male Blogger

I get annoyed easy, but I also have fun very easily Music is HORRIBLE!!!! I don’t understand how people can sit and listen to this stuff …legs is stankin, Bootie is doin stuff…windows is bust out Id rather be called boyfriend than listen to Lil Wayne 🙂 I’ma google you…come here I would MELT if I could encounter some lips like these… The Brave New Voices show on HBO isn’t 1/2 bad…I could do without the back stories and these “deep” teenagers but, I likey. …would rather have another season of Def Poets instead though. The Jill Scott show on … Continue reading No. 1 Male Blogger