I think I think: Jar Opener

Hey Guys…Happy F’N Monday My throat hurts so excuse me if you can barely read me today. I try my best to practice what I preach but it’s so ‘fuckin hard’ to stop ‘sayin shit’ even though it makes no sense. Did you know eventhough is not a word? Neither is irregardless …that’s right come see me in Scrabble son! So what I want to know is who got together and though…”Hmmm what do people need when they’re at a stop light or on the side of the road…ORANGES!” What the hell is porridge? I’ve said it before; you know … Continue reading I think I think: Jar Opener

Whole big ass dude

I was on the phone yesterday and my friend was telling me about a guy that we grew up with…had a son that was like 16 or 17 years old Said he was like 6′ 4″ 200+ lbs ..Big dude. Usually this would mean nothing…esp. since it’s concerning people that are not me (I’m vain) BUT had me thinking…I’m nowhere NEAR grown enough to be taking care of a whole big ass dude! LOL Damn, if I had a child…whooooo! It would be tough on em LOL ::I’m kidding”” (not really) I started to think about all those girls in … Continue reading Whole big ass dude

Dirty Soap

Ahhh The Old School Hip Hop, Apologies to those of you that don’t appreciate the music…but if you just listen and compare to what’s out now? You can’t deny it. I’m not looking I think that the majority of people that’s on the board don’t read my blog…though that’s how they found the board…meh. Officially I’m only buying food to cook on the day that I’m cooking, I hate freezing food cuz I hate thawing it. Seriously, this woman’s skin is incredible! If she could Act or Sing…play scrabble she could be the next hottest thing Supposedly I have attractive … Continue reading Dirty Soap

Computer Love

  Online dating  A lot of people do it Most people want to do it There’s a lot of things that people consider/complain about/should be conscious of…have to worry about; like: The perception of craziness One of the toughest parts of dating someone ‘offline’ is to not end up with a crazy ass lunatic stalker ass crazy person …or something similar. The problem with all that is “crazy ass lunatic stalker-ass crazy” is NOT an option to check or pull down on the personality list when you set up your username SO you have to convince whomever you’re digging/feelin’ that … Continue reading Computer Love

I think I think: Skillet cakes

OLD SCHOOL ROTATION! Weekend..meh, nothing real special lotta relaxing; still got chores to do If there’s an Opposite of Restraining order I want that for Zoë Saldana To make it more clear how simpler things were back in the day; we had fun playing Jacks of all things! Seriously enough with the Michael Vick ish, I could give a good damn…get out of peoples personal lives and talk about Football Unless he brings those dogs ON the field keep that ish off my ESP and NFL network FnFs The Earth is Bi-polar I like that Julie, Mickey Mouse won’t Hook … Continue reading I think I think: Skillet cakes

Hate The Truth Part 4

  Is it REALLY Hating? Why can’t I just NOT like you? NOooooo it’s good that they have an Apple Bottoms Kids line…you got your 5yr old Daughter the HOOK UP! Nah, I’m sayin those boots ARE tight! $600 I see you! Yeah that’s that bull they put a boot on your car cuz you didn’t pay $300 worth of parking tickets Why would they think you’re gay? He gave you oral …not the other way around….sheesh! DAMN! I see you! Put the Big wheels on the ride…NO the manufacturer didn’t build the vehicle to perform with those but they … Continue reading Hate The Truth Part 4


  I know I know there was no post yesterday…sorries. What I bought yesterday?  Okay: Gary Coleman Gary Coleman was in Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star with David Spade David Spade was in 8 Heads in a Duffel Bag with Joe Pesci Joe Pesci was in The Good Shepherd with Angelina Jolie Angelina Jolie was in The Bone Collector with Denzel Washington! It’s a double standard but. What kina guy says a woman sexual harassed them? But how do your nails get dirty when you don’t really do anything? Where does that ish come from!? Why do people keep tissue … Continue reading Overshare

I Think I Think: Active

  I had some BBQ Hot Dogs for the first time in like 5 years yesterday…yummmmmy. Everyone went to see the Harry P…me? I don’t enjoy Harry P AT ALL That OR Harry Potter 🙂 I always thought that Elijah Wood WAS the Harry Potter dude I wish my name had those cool ass two dots over the ‘e’ Mannnnnnnn I use to love pop tarts now they don’t taste as good. You notice that they are skimpin out on the frosting? AND when you get the bigger box there’s less frosting than the smaller ones…FnFs L.E. Neal is the … Continue reading I Think I Think: Active