I think I think: Baby Fists

Sour Patch Kids; beat the mess out of Gummi Bears If you have to think more than .1 seconds to decide whether to be with Trina or Farrah Franklin there’s a problem I’d go to museums You know who use to rock? ZZ Top With The Sopranos gone…guess Entourage is the only reason to have HBO I hate Shaking hands…Gimme the fist bump! Supposedly there could be a Martin movie coming next year…maybe I will be over my hatred of Tisha Campbell by then (For ruinin the show in the first place) I don’t think I’m going to ever wear … Continue reading I think I think: Baby Fists

I think: BET Awards

I Figured why not? I knew most of you were gettin yo ignant on….so I looked   WOW Pre Show Why is Bone Thugs on the Pre Show? ..And why do they have a new single? they look like when you’re at a family reunion and your cousins is tryin to be a group and get up and perform for the fam. …the drunk cousins. That Julissa girl is NICE! I think people are really sleepin on Akons forehead Robin Thicke looks like a Game show host …or Guy Smiley, your favorite host from Sesame Street Wait. THIS is the … Continue reading I think: BET Awards

Brandon Brewster

Okay 3 Things: Her CD is GREAT Her Voice makes me wanna F And if you don’t like her too bad cuz she’s gon be bangin in the Rotation for a minute. What a Finale to the Ultimate Fighter…the show, the actual fight-fight was messed up for the one dude (I wanted him to lose anyway) but the REST of the THREE HOUR Finale was LIKE THAT! I’m soooo hooked I gotta start cookin more Did you know frogs have hair? Do I blog too much? A lot of other blogs aren’t updated as much Do you guys ever wonder … Continue reading Brandon Brewster


You know how women get on men for: Being obsessed with the smaller women (Skinny Bitches) Not being attracted to “Bigger women” Thinkin it’s not sexy when a woman gains significant weight Likes how the women on videos and men magazines look ?????? When was the last time a woman drooled over some pot belly dude? What male model doesn’t have a flat stomach or washboard Abs? You’ll find Women in the Magazines and TV that’s MAD skinny…or REAL thick …stretch marks…little belly…lotta ass, etc. etc. What THICK male dude on TV or Magazines you see? Where’s the Rubben Studdard/Jerome … Continue reading fukmdewu


Do women like have to prick their nipps or something to breast feed? …how do you start and stop the milk flow? What’s the best flavor Vodka? I dunno…I like them all, I dunno bout Pear though. AND why do men have nipples? …AND Why are they all small? wait. I don’t want big ones…nevermind. Did He really make a song called get “Jiggy” with it? At the end of what day? I still havent done my Match.com profile yet When the weather is like this I like to go drive at night…on the weekends Silverhawks was a better Cartoon … Continue reading Racerback

I think I think:Jeanine “The Rookie”

Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer was damn good…WAY better than he first….better than Spider Man 3 Only complaints: Not enough Doom and they never actually showed Galaticus And why did they spend all that money and makeup to turn a brown skin, brown hair, brown eyed Latina into a Blonde hair, blue eyed white woman?… Just Hire Scarlet Johansson…and she would’ve looked better in the blue suit! They should sell those pitchers with the Kool-Aid man frost face already on them I better slow down before I become a Rihanna fan ..ella ella ella Animals can’t masturbate…no thumbs … Continue reading I think I think:Jeanine “The Rookie”

I remember when: Funshine

I remember when You could buy pencils at school, they smelled like bubble gum Left your fingers smellin all good Girls sucked they thumbs Either those or pickles, had Now & Laters in the middle Great space Coaster had Goriddle Gorilla Jem and the Holograms? Shidd Mistfits kicked ass Had, Roxy, Stormer, Jetta and the leader Pizzazz Papa Smurf was the only one that ever looked old Legned of zelda came out, and the catridge was Gold Made tents hangin sheets off the sides of Bunk Beds Watched Voltron, Black Lion …I’ll form the head People wanted big money no … Continue reading I remember when: Funshine

Stay Soft

  Okay so I have a “So you think you can dance” Girlfriend (Shut up) Sabra Johnson I’ma watch till she gets voted off Look at those arms I watched John Tucker Must Die on Saturday…so? Shut up! I’m so boring; it doesn’t bother me THAT much but I should be doing a little more. I never had a Stalker sometimes I want one (If she’s sexy though) Me as the afore-mentioned M&M (and my peanut head) The New York Accent is so fukn sexy to me…like when they say “Hot Dog” mmmmmmmm Even if Cleveland was up 2 Games … Continue reading Stay Soft