I remember when II

I remember when…  Vicki the robot was a small wonder Blue Falcon had Dynomut the Dog Blunder Play doh had the fun factory, cards? We played crazy 8’s The 40 ft purple gorrilla-la-la called Grape Ape You had to take the physical challenge when the dare was double We used to play Trouble with the pop-o-matic bubble Operation? Touch the sides and the nose would light Entertech water guns, started all the Water fights 501 Button flys quickly hit the scenes You either had those or The Bugle boy Jeans And before then, Toughskins? they were extra rough Girls wore … Continue reading I remember when II

I Love women: Fantasy Sports

I love womenThat knows how to bakeThat tells me when they’re about to cum With fashion sense That knows what good sheets look/feel like With a favorite NFL team Wearing tank tops with no bra That mind their own business With defined legs and arms With a Cellphone with a Keyboard That likes to watch Cartoons Who don’t mind my picky eater status With flat stomachs That will bring me a peach soda That’s Single and lookin’ With big nipples and areolas That love Crate and Barrel That plays fantasy sports That enjoys driving/riding shotgun With little breasts and big nipples … Continue reading I Love women: Fantasy Sports

I think I Think: Cake and Shake

Again, alls I’m saying is there are/were a lot of non-believers OHIO STATE is still in it to win it. Do people that drive use their “Brights” for their true purpose? …or just to flash at people so they’d move? I haven’t added to the reasons why I’m single in a while…think I pretty much got it What do you think a crunch berry is actually made of? I think I do the most of my chewing on the right side of my mouth Officially I cannot call myself an NBA fan anymore…I’ve never cared as less as I do … Continue reading I think I Think: Cake and Shake

I think I think: Grae Marshmallows

Alls I’m saying is hate if you want but Ohio State must be doing something right…National Championship Game (Football) #1 Seed March Madness …Im just saying. Randomness: I know what you think I’m talk about…nope. I can actually tell the difference between Coke and Pepsi…and Coke may just be better. Money may not be able to buy happiness, but it can Lease the shit out of it. I officially do not like Rap music anymore…if it’s made after like the mid 90s I’m prolly not feelin it (cept for Doom, Grae, Ghost, and a handful of others) …I definitely don’t … Continue reading I think I think: Grae Marshmallows

I think I think: Dax and Evangeline

Oh Oh Oh March Madness! Get your Brackets ready and poppin! …and cue the office bullshit-ass small talk…but F’it it’s about sports…office pools rock ass! BTW: Ohio State! I changed my mind, I’m not using “hating” anymore, people are just annoying fuks, that’s their label. I want a Waffle Iron, it’s just that well…I dont want to make waffles…wanna eat em though. Want a new Bracelet, but one that would make me happy would prolly have to be custom made…my pokets aren’t built for that. Root Beer floats…hell to the yeah. People think I ignore them…I don’t, you just haven’t … Continue reading I think I think: Dax and Evangeline

I think I think: Tacos and Tecmo

What is there to say? Monday is here…I know what you’re looking for…. The Randomness. You know what’s worse than lying? Half truths. Just say everything…it’s going to come out later and it will be all bad. I’d love like 3 Caramel cremes right now Always hated Optimus Prime It seems like I watch too much TV, but I dont watch as much as I use to Black History Month is bull…they should get rid of it…what’s the purpose? Teach that ish year ’round More people are finding the board…it’s good business, more addictive than myspace. Speaking of which…I’m about … Continue reading I think I think: Tacos and Tecmo

eclectik selekshunz (Top 10 Fav Women)

My NEW top 10 Favorite woman list I know it’s been a minute, but I’ve finally updated;  like y’all care lol On to the List….   #1 Zoe Saldana You already know. It’s going to be tough to knock her off this spot…been my champ for a minute now. Only waiting for someone to put her in another movie I actually want to go see. #2 Kristal Marshall I know I’m the only one that has the steamin Undies for her, but I happen to think she’s outstanding…that shape and tone…and pretty face; I dunno call me crazy I always … Continue reading eclectik selekshunz (Top 10 Fav Women)