I remember when: Drakkar and Brut

I remember when… A safety pin and a towel could make you superman Sweet pickles books, and the sweet pickles van Vicks formula 44D when you had a cough Stay up late enough Shiiddd TV went off It was acceptbale to tuck jeans in your boots Every dudes First Colonge was prolly Brut Then came Drakkar, Had remote control cars Wathced Kung Fu Theater, had Numchucks and throwing stars Bit O Honey’s, Mary Janes, Charleston Chews The Jets came out and made “Got a Crush on you” First heard Nas On Live at the BBQ Hand to the face when … Continue reading I remember when: Drakkar and Brut

I think I think: Fitted Turbans

  I realized this weekend that I close to hate Basketball I remember when NBA all Star weekend was an Event! I wouldn’t miss a damn thing, would be glued to the TV…now? meh. The Dunk contest used to be the greatest thing ever…was who’s who…had dunks (no fukn props and gimmick) it was hype like: They don’t care anymore…and why should I? Anyway, randomness… And I don’t care about all the fun you had in Vegas for All star weekend..You know you’re lying; it was crowded and expensive…and no one paid you any attention because you were not banging … Continue reading I think I think: Fitted Turbans

I think I think: Dr. Detroit

Just no the same without starting off without Sports meh. Randomness… Grammy’s were last night…bah; didn’t care. I tried to watch: HDTV showed me Beyonce’s Lace front weave and glue (that was funny) Had to turn the show off when Corrine Bailey Rae and John Legend hit the stage…can’t stomach to hear either. Mary J Blige Jumped the shark about 4 CDs ago…guess everyone else is feeling her; I aint felt her since My Life Beer batter Onion rings I feel MUCH better than I did last week; not that any of you cared; thanx. What Happened to Rachelle Ferrell? … Continue reading I think I think: Dr. Detroit

I think I think: Turpentine

Hi. Sad say, not because I wanted the Bears to win…no. Because this is annually the WORST day of the year The Day after No more Football…sigh Congrats to the Colts…Black Coach…Peyton Manning…yadda yadda Yadda Sorry, I’m burnt; no fun till The Draft. Randomness I don’t feel so swell…haven’t since Friday…Somebody bring me Ginger Ale and Orange juice Superbowl Commercials I liked 4: The Chevy Commercial with the guys washing the car The Japanese Monster Movie one When the Slapping replaced Fist Bumping Not a commercial but the Oprah and Letterman promo The rest were meh. The new phrase for … Continue reading I think I think: Turpentine