I think I think: Wack’n it

Well A weekend without Football yick! Something I’ll have to get use to real soon …not a fan of that. Basketball is on, but meh. Randomness…. You know the Computer Mouse? What is the plural form? ..And shouldn’t Moose be Meese? The NEW undisputed heavyweight champion of annoying the hell out of me with their music? Fantasia. I want her to cease and desist with that ear bleeding hollering…and stop looking like that. She and John Legend are my most hated singers until further notice You know what I do? I push elevator buttons with my knuckles…don’t want the germs. … Continue reading I think I think: Wack’n it

I remember when V

I remember when:  We couldn’t solve the rubix cube;  we was mad as shit We’d take it apart or move the stickers  but they wouldn’t stick Madballs, Game of life, chutes and ladders  And in Uno I couldn’t be faded I’m the master Water balloon fights,  Kendra? Had to nail her Pick a number, pick a color, paper fortune tellers  Kissy fur, Paw Paw, Chico Sticks  Atari, Coleco vison, Neo Geo? Quit.  We used to play tag, and know what I miss?  “Bubble gum bubble gum in-  a- dish”  It was Good Times,  Janet was Penny Woods I dream of … Continue reading I remember when V

I think I think VIV

Serena Williams may have the most incredible shape ever….those arms and legs…the stomach, crazy!     Women that teach are sexy. Being yourself makes it much easier to live up to expectations One of the best Sex and the City episodes was when Berger broke up with Carrie on a post it note …oh and ‘funky spunk’ lmao If I had to pick, I’d take Cassie over Beyonce The stuff that tastes the best gives you the worst gas Selling weed is out of style LOL I never understood the fascination with slinky…it didn’t do anything There are too many people … Continue reading I think I think VIV

I think I think: fluffy goodness

Meh, I don’t care…’slong as The Ravens aren’t playing I’m happy. Colts Vs. Bears I’m going Bears. They have “lets collect money for birthday gifts at work…but it’s only for the boss and Admin …fuck them, don’t get me nothing for my birthday…skate off! Finally got some snow…meh. What else do Anteaters eat? …I’m just sayin Limited Edition Paydays…Peanut Butter Tasty. So if women know that the majority of Male exotic Dancers are Gay…how do they enjoy? …and if they are gay…how do THEY enjoy ugh. I got another not-so popular blog that people will hate to post. DAMNIT! 24 … Continue reading I think I think: fluffy goodness

I think I think: Black Bauer

  Salutations! Sports: Every team I wanted to win, won EXCEPT The Patriots…meh as long as The Ravens lost…all is right in the world. It Felt GREAT to see the Saint win and do their thing…great look ….even though they blatantly RIPPED OFF MY Bengals “Who Dey” and flipped it to “Who Dat” …ugh Bears/Seahawks was a great game, and the right team won. Charges blew it… New Superbowl that I want to see: Colts vs. Saints I want the Saints to win. K, Randomness…. I’m at work… so if you’re not; effewe My FAVORITE thing about the MLK Holiday? … Continue reading I think I think: Black Bauer

I think I think: 1dikmax

  What’s up world? Sports out of the way first of course. Romo…damn Romo no. THAT was funny….I didnt want the Cowboys to lose either…but wow. The rest of the playoffs were meh…cool; wish the Eagles would’ve loss. …now the important thing TONIGHT! THE Ohio State University vs. The Florida Gators Granted the Buckeyes are ALREADY the National Champions…but this game is on the schedule so gotta smack them around too. Okay…Randomness… Who called for the big Soft Pretzel boom? …and who’s auntie is Anne? Not only does Q tips give you eargasms, they’re great for cleaning your naval Trying … Continue reading I think I think: 1dikmax

I think I think: Harden Thicke

Okay. 2 Weeks in a row the Kickin’ game KILLS my BOYS No playoffs for the Bengals…I’m pretty upset about the whole situation…The Offense has let me down too AND they lost to the Squeelers! UGH Well… I still have THE Ohio State University! …and if THEY Lose? …don’t wanna think about it. Anyway…. Randomness Happy New Year. …I only type it because you’re supposed to say it…blech Why is it “Happy” every damn thing BUT Christmas? Christmas is “Merry” That’s the only time you EVER see that word (Cept Merry Melodies…but Im the only one that knows that, ya’ll … Continue reading I think I think: Harden Thicke