eclectik 10: Favorite Cartoon Characters

Just for fun, and in my ever growing list of ‘Top 10’s’: My top 10 Favorite Cartoon characters of all time 1. Daffy Duck Daffy may be a lunatic vigilante in one short but a greedy glory hound in the next If I had to pick any cartoon character that I’m most like it would be Daffy…he’s a loon and always has a plan More importantly sarcastic as hell 2. Bugs Bunny THIS is my guy, most look at the cartoon and think Bugs is funny, but if you really look close you’ll find he’s a complete and utter jerk … Continue reading eclectik 10: Favorite Cartoon Characters

I think I think: Carmen Mesta

Well…. Welcome back! I put a couple of posts up over the weekend…notice? Bengals are still rollin’ put the smiggidy smackdown on The Brownies 30-0 Ocho Cinco over the century mark AND broke an NFL record for most yards in 3 consecutive games …happy times BUT (sad news) My BOYS lost the Bayou classic…and honestly? I think we lost the Battle of the bands at halftime too …UGH! LOVE our Dancers though K, The Randomness: I can already tell people are going to ‘Dreamgirls’ me to death on TV, Radio, and The net when this movie comes out. I don’t … Continue reading I think I think: Carmen Mesta

Willingly @da Left

And now….the requested “unpopular” Post:     I think Beyonce is overrated. *GASP* Acting… Carmen ….yea. Austin Powers …riiiight Pink Panther…seriously? I’m SURE she’s going to rock it in Dreamgirls (smirk) **Though I hear Jennifer Hudson is KILLIN IT I SO want her to get an Academy Award Nod…See what Simon says then LOL Singing… Does she have a better voice than: Alicia Keys Leela James Vivian Green Jill Scott …hey maybe I’m wrong…good voice though, but the ad libs get REAL extra Not even saying she HAS to have a great voice to be successful (Hi Ciara and Cassie … Continue reading Willingly @da Left

I think I think: Razzburry

WELL! *Clears throat* Decent weekend indeed, where do I begin? ….hmmmm….OH I GOT IT! YUP! Ohio State takes care of Michigan…LIKE I predicted! …and the game shouldn’t have been that close, the Refs were on that bull…they called a “Roughing the CENTER” Penalty? What the hell is that? Anywhoo aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannd The Bengals are back! Ocho Cinco another 3 TDs and 190 yards…ahhhhh , hate that it had to be the Saints; but they were on the schedule! …on to the Randomness Why are Jeans $200+ ? I’m a jean freak but…they’re accents; the Shirt and shoes are the stars! (Granted … Continue reading I think I think: Razzburry

My Kinda Girl

What I would look for in a woman…in order no less, of course no woman would need to possess ALL of these things, but I needed something to type about and im being honest; sue me! LOL  Mentally/Personality wise 1st Sense of humor Why first? I dunno; I joke a lot…I like when a woman is humours…sarcastic…likes to play a round…silly, even goofy; it’s a turn on…sexy to me. 2nd Good conversation It’s always nice to be able to talk to someone lol Idle chatter (while I loathe it at work *especially in and around my workspace*) is great…that’s where the … Continue reading My Kinda Girl

BET on Ass

I tried…I really tried I had EVERY intention on doing a blog about the BET hip Hop Awards…I gave it the old college try, but I couldn’t make it through the entire show… I was going to do a live during the show blog…couldn’t do it captain (it’s still on Tivo…but nah) BET is like the club…I dont go to the club but EVERY now and again the fellas be like; “come out, you never come out” and I say cool..okay and get out there and 5 mins in i think “THIS is why I dont club”…that’s what happened last … Continue reading BET on Ass

I think I think: Smiley faces

Damn. How many times do I have to start these with “The Bengals lost”? (Answer 5 weeks in a muhfukn row) They scored like crazy! Up 21 points!? Lost still Ocho Cinco over 200 yards and 2 Touches…and The God Palmer over 400!? Lost. …Moving along The NEW focus is THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY next week is THE GAME #1 OHIO STATE vs. #2 MICHIGAN THE MUHFUKN Game! I made the prediction Months before the season….let’s get me closer to being right. I’m surprised that people feel me on the Hip Hop and the NBA posts…pretty damn impressive I have … Continue reading I think I think: Smiley faces

NBA: Not Basketball Anymore?

I dunno…I remember when it was ‘Fantastic’ fuk’n NBA blows…I mean I still watch it but I can’t remember when I watched a whole game to completion…uninterrupted There was a time when *gasp* I liked Basketball WAY more than I did football (I know…yes me.) The game has changed….changed for the absolute worst, I cannot think of a single thing better about the way the game is now than ‘back in the day’ The game play The players The Teams The TV production by comparison is pretty much… for the lack of better term is “wack” compared to the golden … Continue reading NBA: Not Basketball Anymore?

Eclectik 10: Favorite Movies of all time

1A. Krush Groove “There’s been a whole lot of superstars on this stage here tonight, and I just want you to know one thing…this is MY MUTHAFUKN HOUSE” Guess because I’m a ‘hip hop head’ I dunno but I LOVE this movie; I have to know 90% of it by heart Stars: Run-DMC, The Fat Boys, Shelia E, LL cool J If you look close enough you’ll see Chris Rock Favorite Part: Pissed off Run saying “this is my muthafukn house” and starting ‘It’s like that’ Least favorite: Blair Underwood period…esp he and Sheila.   1B. Brown Sugar “Dre I … Continue reading Eclectik 10: Favorite Movies of all time