I think I think VII

::Continued from the Myspace blog::    Real quick…  I couldn’t care less about the Star Jones blah blah blah I always thought she was wack She was huge and scary, and now she’s smaller and scarier (seriously, I cannot look at the slim down version more than 2 seconds at a time) And she took payola She got fired…so what? People get fired…and people should be at work and too busy working to be at home watching or caring. …and if you Tivo the View, 1 yourself.   What do you drink? BET will replay those bland ass awards eleventy-seventy … Continue reading I think I think VII

I think I think: BET Awards

Prince is THAT dude; always and forever Beyonce killed it!…I’ve never been a huge fan but DAMN! Eminem showing up with Busta was hot. I don’t know what a Young Joc is…don’t care to India Arie looked like Q*Bert I don’t get the T.I. thing …or the Chris Brown thing I don’t know anything about that. Chaka is that woman…even if she looked like Help! it’s the hair bear bunch! Damon Wayans need not to ever host, nor be on my television again. Where did Janet get that ‘back’ from? Thelma can so still get it. This new dude hostin … Continue reading I think I think: BET Awards

Eclectik Selections (My Top 10 favorite women)

1. Zoe Saldana (1) This woman just does it for me; Im a sucker for a pretty face, pretty smile, and pretty skin above anything else (as far as physically) and she has it. Ever since Drumline 2.   Denise Vasi (2) Model, new woman rumored to be involved with Russell Simmons I dont know; I just love this woman’s eyes and complexion     3. Lisa Barber (4) For as long as I remember, Ive always been in love with women that ran track in school, the Olympics had a huge crush on Gail Deevers, I can sit up for hours … Continue reading Eclectik Selections (My Top 10 favorite women)

I think I think VI

The BET Awards will be on next week…live, something ignorant is BOUND to happen. It’s not BBQ is you don’t use charcoalsTwo different ways of spelling Catsup/Ketchup is just stupid That’s what Ben Rothlesberger gets…bwahahahahaha! (Go Bengals) I want the new Treo…but I hear it’s not better than the one I have. What is the acceptable length for fingernails on men? Mederma ladies….that get’s your skin RIGHT! Where’s the black sheep? Here’s the black sheep! Less comments since I moved my blogs….fake friends LOL! My favorite “Whole” non hip hop CD of all time is: In grade school “E” was … Continue reading I think I think VI